Dolly Parton goes Pop - Sabi Koz Pop-Art Gift Range | 10% Off Your First Order | Shop Online

So I always ask customers who they would like to see on a mug or coaster and eventually it gets created or put on the backburner. One request that kept popping up was the iconic Dolly Parton and I knew if I created something, it would have to be simple yet instantly recognisable and lovable.

One of my favourite songs of Dolly Parton is Jolene, as well as Islands in the Stream with Kenny Rogers and I did indulge in her music as I researched how I would illustrate her (which was fun I must admit).

Finally the design was created and I was super happy with the results. I wanted to use strong colours to contrast her big blonde hair, and yes it had to be big!

Check it out now! My Dolly Parton Gift Range ready to purchase! Let me know what you think!